Friday, August 26, 2022

Hidden Beasts, Book I. Opening, Without limits (part 1) Wolf in sheep's clothing [2]

  In the temporary arena of the Wet Boar ship, opponents fight for a warm cabin for tonight and maybe a hearty meal.

  Zeev no longer wonders if his opponent possessed the speed of a horse, the strength of a bear, or the fury of a bull - maybe she had all those powers, since she throws him like a small furry animal. Zeev wondered if he had drunk proper Decoct of Transformations. The shaman certainly wanted to make a joke of him by selling sheep decoct to the wolf, if he was a shaman at all.

  The blows of the strong opponent were so powerful that even the viewers lost consciousness for a moment and the arena was obscured by darkness...
...but it's impossible.

  A mysterious, small crystal sphere appeared between the fighters in the arena.

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Hidden Beasts, Book I. Story HUB, Wet Boar

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